April 2011 Blessing of the Bikes

Well, I did go after all. It was cloudy but nice when I left my house in the morning. I got up there early at Reading Motorcycle club, bought a ham, egg, and cheese sandwich from a vendor and chilled for a while. One of the pastors from the Biker church that belongs to the club opened the event with prayer then we all got on our bikes. We then moved down under a small pavillion to be prayed for and off I went. Once I got on my way home it started "misting" rain, then once I crossed rt. 100, it started drizzling. Thank God I got home before it started pouring and blowing.


April 2011 Ride - "Leap into Lancaster"

This April's ride was almost cancelled. I was praying this week asking God for dry weather. Well, we had dry weather, but it was chilly in the morning. The thermometer read 28 degrees Fahrenheit when I rolled out of my house. Brrr! There was about a dozen of us that came out to breakfast and around 8 of us that were on the ride, give or take. Weather, conflicting schedules, and bike problems kept more from coming out. Either way, it was good to have a smaller group compared to last year's 28 bikes. Besides the "usuals" we had two first time riders with the group, both cool guys. Here's hoping they come back again next month!


March 2011 Ride - Lunch at Nifty Fifty's

The March lunch was probably our best attended event this year, 15 people showed up and four went riding. Many others had plans or could not ride due to their bike not being ready for the season. I met a bunch of new people and we had some great food at Nifty Fifties. I had two cheeseburgers and a toasted marshmallow soda, yummy! After lunch, hanging out, and sharing the Word we went on a northbound jaunt through Delaware, Chester and Montgomery counties. It was less than 100 miles, we got stuck behind cars and the roads did have some debris; but it still was a cool ride. I discovered some new roads and it was good to out in the wind, riding. The Scripture is below and I hope to see you in April.

February 2011 Lunch at Oak Lane Diner

I'm sorry this is almost two weeks late but college, work, and home have been gobbling up my time. Anyway, only three of us showed up, which was a bummer. But we had fun conversation about bikes, friends, strange events and topics. We had a good time and some good food. We talked a little about the ride schedule for this year and then read the Word and split up. They went shopping to the King of Prussia Mall and I went to chase down a hidden treasure of sorts that I discovered 13 years ago, not far from the Oak Lane Diner. It's a National Cemetary without a name, at least none that I've discovered. The place has folk in it from the Civil war up to WWII, but it could have been later. The place is sacred because most folk in there died for our freedom. I'll post the pics below, the cemetary is at Haines street, Limekiln avenue, and 69th avenue in Philadelphia in one of the Oak Lane sections. If you're ever near there check the place out. On to the Word:


January 2011 New York IMS Motorcycle Show

I'm sorry with the late posting of the pics. Ricjohn42, Carl, myself and my friend Dan all went up to the show in my SUV. We left early to get there right after the doors opened, around 9AM. Thanks to a tip, we parked three blocks down on the street for free. We got a chance to sit on a bunch of bikes, and check out some vendors by 11:30. Then the tour buses showed up. We saw Pohlcat there with two friends, chatted for a while, then took a final walk through the vendors. Went out to lunch at a cool German place called Hallo Berlin on 44th and 10th. Good times had by all, and we got home around 4PM. Our first "social" event went well, except we missed jlasure! Hopefully next year.


January 2011 Lunch at Red Robin

Thanks to all who showed up, there were 9 of us in attendance including Frindle's wife. She was a neat person and here's hoping she can make some more events. The lunch at the Quakertown Red Robin was really good with excellent service. We had time to discuss the schedule for the year which remains tentative pending rally dates for this year from the CSBA rally organizers. Some things have changed but the schedule isn't much different from last year. We will be including one social event per quarter as per request from the chapter members. It will be either a stand alone event or an extended stop during a ride for a chance to hang out and connect with folk. Our winter event is a trip to the IMS in NYC on 1/22. We'll do a lunch in February in Philly and a lunch in March in Delaware county. Then in April we'll start our first Saturday of the month rides, there will be some changes to each ride with a new ride coming in October. April 16th we'll go to a bike blessing and May 14th or 15th we will attend a race to help out the CSBR (Christian Sportbike Racing Team) at New Jersey Motorsports Park. I don't want to say much more until I can nail down certain dates. I hope every one has a great new year and I hope to see you all soon.

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