June 2012 Pocono Screamer Ride

  • 04 June 2012 |
  • Written by  Website Administrator
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Hello all,

The day began cooler and dryer than I had expected. I had gotten a late start to get to the diner and on the way I noticed that the cool weather caused my tire PSI to be 2 lbs. less than I like. I went to the gas station next to the diner, put some air in but it actually took air out. I then returned and got more air in both tires. I got to the diner 15 minutes late, not a good start. I finally got to meet CharlesPa, our new north east Pennsylvania chapter member. He's one of the cool folk that I hope to see more of at our rides. As breakfast went on old friends and new showed up, ready to ride. We were short three ride leaders, so we only had two groups, and that made things tricky. We had about 9 riders in each group and that is about double the amount I prefer. All things considered though, the ride went well because a lot of folk stepped up and helped and I am grateful for it. Thanks to jlasure for leading the other group and frindle and k-pilot for riding trail. Thanks to others for blocking, posting up videos, and helping out. You all are the best.

We split into two groups without problem, slabbed it into the Garden State with no issues and began the ride going north. At our first turn, yours truly missed a turn and didn't realize it for about 5 miles. I realized my error and made the U-turn and proceeded back to the correct road. We kept coming upon traffic, sometimes we could get around them or they turned and sometimes we had to wait them out. While proceeding north we met up with some state employees, and they gave me a written invitation to meet one of their bosses next week. Well, that was embarrassing and frustrating, but it happens and I'm learning from it. After that we lost some of the group, but I was grateful for those that remained with me.

We regrouped at the next intersection where there was a parking lot then proceeded on with the ride. We got some fuel, and then went to lunch at Port Jervis. We reunited with one of the riders that got separated from our group and with the chase group that went past us. Lunch was very nice and I read the Scripture there and we resumed riding north. We waited at one of the longest traffic lights ever at the Hawks' Nest since it's only one lane due to construction. We found a pull off where we stopped for a group photo. We then proceeded north, crossed over into PA, and rode some very cool roads all the way to our end point in Mt. Pocono. After we all determined our routes home, we shook hands and headed home. Thankfully I was able to follow Ron W down to the Sheetz in Bethlehem because we were on some cool roads. Thanks Ron! It was a good ride and I'm already looking forward to next month's ride, the Dive into Delaware.

Scripture Readings for June 2012

We continued with the theme we've been covering for almost a year now: reasons why folk might not embrace a relationship with God. This month we talked about how some people may have issue with this because they feel they might have to leave their old friends. Here are four Scripture that spoke about how others can influence our lives.

You must not follow the crowd in doing wrong. When you are called to testify in a dispute, do not be swayed by the crowd to twist justice. Exodus 23:2 Sometimes peer pressure can influence us to do things that aren't healthy or wise. The admonition our parents gave us about following our friends even if they were doing something foolish, does have some truth to it. We always need to consider who we are following and what kind of person we are becoming due to their influence in our lives.

Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble. Proverbs 13:20 A friend once told me advice his father gave him, and that was: if you want to see who you will become, look at your friends. This and the above Scripture speaks not only to the influence of our friends and colleagues but also questions us to consider our own future. It asks indirectly, "do you want to be wise?" and then answers directly: then, walk with the wise. It causes me to consider who I am "walking with".

Don’t be fooled by those who say such things, for “bad company corrupts good character. I Corinthians 15:33 In this Scripture passage we see that a person can have a good upbringing and be taught what is right, but being with immoral people can corrupt that. This verse has challenged me because I sometimes mix with unsavory characters. I often ask myself, "Am I influencing them to do right or are they influencing me do wrong?" I use the above verse as a benchmark for I feel the converse of that Scripture is true also, "Good company can improve poor character", by the work of the Holy Spirit and a willing heart.

Don’t team up with those who are unbelievers. How can righteousness be a partner with wickedness? How can light live with darkness? II Corinthians 6:14 When I see this verse I would want to ask all of you, where are you headed? If your life is not right with God, change it regardless of your friends. Consider this, if you and some friends were kayaking down a river and you realized a waterfall was up ahead, would you go down to your death? Or, would you paddle to the shore while urging your friends to follow you? In this way, I would urge you to get right with God and have a relationship with Him though Jesus.

Jesus spoke this: Jesus said to the people who believed in him, “You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31-32 I am now free in Christ and I speak to all who have ears to hear, encouraging them to come to God.

May God bless you all and I'll see you all next month
Last modified on Wednesday, 20 May 2015 01:16
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