Andy's Story - The Love and Gratitude for Organ Donation

  • 07 February 2017 |
  • Written by  Andy Rohr
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Andy on his Ducati (photo credit Laurence Scott of Redline Images)

Dear Lord God please bless all of these followers of you, that are here today and if it's not too much to ask please shine your light on all that seek you, to illuminate the path so that they may find the way to your salvation.

I have a personal story to relate to you. This same time of year 12 years ago, I was at my brothers hunting cabin. Our yearly brotherly gathering. I woke up in the morning and didn't feel well. I didn't know but I was in the middle of bleeding out internally from a disease (Hep C) that I didn't know I had. Bear in mind I was an active happy family man. I obviously ended up in the hospital and the doctors were able to stop the bleeding and save my life. Turns out I was a very sick man with advanced liver disease and in need of a liver transplant. God saw that a complete stranger and his family would step forward and donate his liver to me since he didn't need it in God's heaven.

Fast forward to this year, my transplanted liver was struggling due to my disease and some other medical issues (hernia operation from earlier failed). I ended up back in the hospital in March and deteriorated and acquired a blood infection which destroyed my transplanted liver and my kidneys. I was in desperate need of a double transplant or I would die. I needed a second liver transplant and a kidney. Miraculously God cured my blood infection, my liver disease (Hep C), and not only that, but he also provided another loving donor and another, 3rd chance at life.....3 transplants! I think God favors organ donation and we should all consider being a Donor. I have so much love and gratitude. God provided a loving donors body twice and in return saved mine.

Photo of Andy (photo credit Laurence Scott of Redline Images)

Last modified on Wednesday, 08 February 2017 23:14
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