Ride Report - CSBA Pocono Screamer Ride June 5, 2021

  • 07 June 2021 |
  • Written by  John Lasure Jr.
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- The view from the morning start point – Starlite Diner -

We give thanks to God for His wisdom and His Blessings….

The day was hot [94°], but the pace in Group One was even HOTTER! At least for the morning…. (more on that later)

The ideal conditions prevailed this Saturday: riders wanting and ready to get out and really enjoy the day, great turn out of 27 seasoned riders, and lastly the desire to enjoy the roads at pace. As we always proclaim, “All Bikes – All Beliefs” and today proved to be just that.

I had the privilege of cruising up to the rally point (Starlight Diner) with Bob G; we arrived by 7:50a and were greeted by Charlie N and Dave; a new friend invited out by B. Torri. Dave was running a Yamaha Star Cruiser bike, but was ready to get in some back roads with us, and we were glad to have him. Soon, more of the usual suspects (Allan C, Cory E, Greg K, Chris P, Jojo G, B Torri, Brendan and Jackie, & Youri M) started to show up, until all ride leaders (Mark H, Rick J, Rusty and myself) were all there. Some went in the diner to enjoy a little breakfast, while I stayed outside to continue greeting folks as they arrived – and did they arrive. We had some folks come out that we haven’t seen in a few years (Rudy along with some new faces (Lefteris & Harsha) along with the “Top Gun Jet Fighter Crew” which represents: (Jason V, Justin H, Corbin R & Samuel P), which of course ran in Group 1 with me, along with a new friend (Lefteris) on a brand new 2021 S1000RR, and Rudy B on his lovely Ducati as my sweeper.

Coming up right behind me was Rick J and his team and then Mark H, which later collapsed into Rick’s group, followed by Rusty. I know we had some others in the ranks including some new friends from RIP representing. I gave the ride meeting and set the agenda for the day, but I I failed to snap a group picture, but Bob did the bike count and confirmed we had 27 riders in attendance. I apologize up front if I missed anyone in the attendance line-up – but we thank you all for coming out and enjoying the roads with us this day.

The teams hit the lunch spot as early at 11:30a with all teams checking in by noon. The morning went extremely well, due in part to lots of traffic I heard, but also, I’d like to think because of great ride leaders and sweepers. Big thanks are extended to all that helped in that capacity for the day.

Now, more about that Top Gun Team: I feel very blessed to have in our ranks some very capable riders in general in all our teams, but I just wanted to give a shout out to these 4 special guys. Jason and Justin are not only amazing riders, but they also respect the rules of the CSBA in their riding, and for that I am most grateful. I know our rides don’t even approach or challenge the level of skill these two gents are capable of – that’s why at certain points of our rides when I know it’s safe, I let the gents run – and try my best to stay with them within what I deem are my safe zones. Honorable mention also goes out to Corbin and Samuel for keeping pace and staying right with these guys – showcasing their calmness when the pace really heated up. It was a joy to ride shotgun with these guys leading - I always say, “ride your own ride and know your limits”. I stayed with them for as long as I felt comfortable, but I have no shame in admitting I had to dial it back about half way in. Thanks gents for the ride and the excitement, but thanks even more for the respect you always show towards me and our rides in general.

pocono 2021 afternoon

- Picture from Hawks Nest – Just After Lunch Stop -

After lunch, the message (listed below) was shared and then Mark led the group in a prayer for safety.
Rick and Mark led the group up to Hawks Nest, and I heard everyone enjoyed the remainder of the day with no issues. I had to turn back as duty called for me. So… what’s the recap: Great roads, great fellowship, great food and great weather – what more can a guy ask for?

As I always do, I’d like to take this moment to thank everyone for your continued participation, involvement and giving attitudes on our rides and events. Whether you come out to ride or just break bread with us – we welcome your participation. These rides are designed for you, our riders, to enjoy the roads and have fellowship with us. We’re promoting a fellowship and an environment in which we want you to come and enjoy your love with others that share your passion of riding.

I promise we will get out there to the track again soon so please visit our CSBA Day @ the Races Event page (www.facebook.com/CSBA.Day.at.the.Races) for additional information for that venue.

Our next street event “Dive into Delaware” Ride. [ https://www.facebook.com/events/800784010548135 ]. All our rides are great – so try to arrange to make one of them if you can. For more great pictures and videos of today’s event, visit the face book event page for our “Poconos Screamer” Ride here: [ www.facebook.com/events/504767497544957/ ] or visit us on our website at www.pacsba.org.

On behalf of the CSBA and our chapter, we give thanks to you for coming and enjoying the day with us. See you again soon and don’t hesitate to reach out to me (or any CSBA member) with any and all questions you may have about our rides or the CSBA Organization. Blessings to you all!

From Trial to Triumph… 

“Walk in wisdom… redeeming the time…”

The master musician knows that suffering precedes glory and acclaim. He/She knows that hours, days and months of grueling practice and self-sacrifice that precede the one (1) hour of perfect rendition when their efforts are applauded.

The master craftsman knows that years of work, sacrifice, and suffering as an apprentice precede his/her being promoted to the master of their trade.

The student knows that years of study, self-denial, and commitment precede the triumphant day of graduation with honors.

Astronauts spend years training for a flight that can be as short as a few days.

And lastly, in doing what we do – riding a motorcycle well and knowing you limits takes much discipline. Truly mastering your machine take time and patience. It means applying good practices of looking, execution and learning. The more we practice the more we learn and the better we get.

The Bible teaches that sacrifice and discipline are necessary if we are to be faithful servants of Christ. Paul wrote, “I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified” - 1 CORINTHIANS 9:27.

If you’re struggling with something you’re trying to accomplish that’s wrapped around “your” timing, try to ask yourself a few things first…

1: Did I take the proper measures to discipline my “time” toward my goal…
2: Did I take the proper measures to discipline my “eyes” toward my goal…
3: Did I take the proper measures to discipline my “mind” toward my goal…
4: Did I take the proper measures to discipline my “body” toward my goal…
5: Did I take the proper measures to discipline my “Heart” toward my goal…

Rest in those areas first, and once you spent the time there, you’ll find your goal will be upon you before you know it. Just as exercise makes us physically stronger, exercising our faith by sharing it with others and doing God’s work makes us spiritually stronger. We are taught, we must ask (through prayer) for the things we want. Humble yourself and bend a knee. Take some time and spend it with your heavenly Father. If you don’t know the Lord and want to learn more about him, please don’t hesitate to talk with me, or your friends here. The CSBA serves as your Godly guide and as a light to help guide you, not only for your riding, but for your spirit too. Don’t be afraid to ask – that is why we are here. Blessings!

Last modified on Monday, 07 June 2021 23:24
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