June 2015 Pocono Screamer Ride

  • 08 June 2015 |
  • Written by  Website Administrator
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Pocono Screamer Usual Suspects (Larry “aka Redline Images took the picture)
The Pocono Screamer Usual Suspects (Larry “aka Redline Images took the picture)

It’s always a blessing to serve - We give thanks to the Lord for his love and grace, as he directs our steps…

The Pocono Screamer – one of our most popular rides by members and visitors alike was not diminished with the presence of heavy rain coming from the east. Our friends from NY (Nick, Elena, Ralph and Chris) braved the rain to enjoy the day with us. NJ riders were in the ranks too with Lady Kim, her friends Wayne and Burley, Derek and the Immortals, along with Chris A. Rounding out the ranks, present and accounted for was Martin, Carl, Luis, Russ (aka Rusty Bucket), Sandy and Kaelin (daughter), Kairi, Chris, Matko, Drew, Lemuel, Nicholas, Rick, and Larry (taking the picture above). Nelson & Corey started out with us but Corey went directly to the Hawk’s Nest and Nelson had prior commitments and both missed lunch with us.

To start off the day, one needs a nice meal – so we broke bread in grand style in the private room at starlight that morning. Jenn came out to help us meet and greet our friends, of which I was extremely grateful for. We enjoyed our breakfast feast so much, that we got a late start coming out to greet the other riders. We had a good size group present so I had to be a little creative with splitting up groups since I didn’t have my usual ride leaders for this ride. Chris and Kairi were our new ride sweepers in training and I’m happy to report they did stellar! After the ride meeting and a prayer for safety, we all mounted up and were on our way - all moving as one large group.

The pace was brisk and we managed to stay tightly connected until we got about 25miles shy of our lunch spot. A couple of quick left and right turns, coupled with traffic lights was enough to put distance between the lead and chase groups. Luckily Kairi had the GPS routes loaded in his unit and was able to reroute the chase group to the lunch location. The lead group waited and sent out a scout (Matko) in 3 different directions to look for the chase group. Once it was apparent they rerouted (about 45 minutes later) we pushed up the road and rallied at the lunch spot, arriving about 20-30 minutes after their initial arrival. We did get to enjoy lunch together, but coupled with our late start and delayed arrival to the lunch spot, our day was already behind schedule.


Waterfront Restaurant (our lunch spot)
Ehrhartds Waterfront Restaurant (our lunch spot)

The lunch was second to none, sitting right on the water - we had and enjoyed a great view. We filled up our body tanks, enjoyed some great fellowship and then it was time to venture out to prepare for part 2 of our day. There was a huge rock under a shady tree that I found myself resting on to contemplate the remainder of the ride and day on. As our friends assembled it was time to give the word/message for the day: Love in Action [Read it below]. With the lake just at the foot of the hills, we had a great place to baptize souls if needed! (lol)

Lady Kim 

showing the way to the lake for baptizing as John shares the word
Lady Kim showing the way to the lake for baptizing as John shares the word

The Lake 

Lady Kim was pointing to…
The Lake Lady Kim was pointing to…

With a joyful soul I gave our message and then the direction for the second half of our adventure. We suited up and headed on our way to hit our gas stop and then on to Hawks Nest. Just as we got going well, word was passed up to the lead group that one of our riders were having trouble with losing power – yep, with just a few miles left to go, he was running out of gas. Uno Leg to the rescue (Luis) – managed to give the rider a moving tow, generating enough momentum to move him down the hill to coast to our next gas stop. Whew – we all gassed up and we were on our way again – at least we thought so… Turns out one of our riders was having trouble with his gas card and he never finished fueling. We didn’t realized we didn’t have the final group until we arrived at the hawk’s nest – when we looked around and started wondering – where are they? Within a few minutes, they came rolling up – which was captured on video. With everyone accounted for, we sat, chatted and enjoyed the scenery of making it this far.


safe and sound to the Hawks Nest
Arrival safe and sound to the Hawks Nest

Hawks Nest 

- NY
Hawks Nest - NY

With the current time now just a tad before 4:30pm, our NY, NJ and Eastern Philly friends were looking at the sky and the clock. With approximately another 80 miles in our route for the afternoon – the option was given and taken to break off and head for home for some and others opted to remain and finish the ride. We reviewed their routes, said our goodbyes after snapping some great pictures and off we parted in different directions. The NY and NJ people had another 3 hours ahead of them, and our group had even more challenges ahead.

Kairi started noticing he was losing air since his concourse is outfitted with air pressure sensors. The CSBA rides have claimed many a tire and this was no exception. He managed to run his rear down to the steel cords and was losing air. The second challenge we learned was Russ was having transmission issues. That meant limping along once we found an air-pump to give Kairi some much needed time to keep going. We decided (close to 7:30pm at this point) to call it and start heading home. After all fueled up and ready to hit the final leg, we made for home. I broke off from the group in the Lehigh Valley and kept in touch via text with others until I knew Russ and Kairi made it home ok. CSBA rides are never dull and boring.

I wanted to take this moment to thank everyone for your participation, involvement and giving attitudes on our rides. These rides are designed for you, our riders, to enjoy the roads with us. We’re promoting a fellowship and an environment in which we want you to come and enjoy your love with others that share your passion of riding. Is it a lot of work to keep it organized and fun? YES– you bet it is! But it’s so worth it for me to see you enjoy the roads with us as much as I enjoy your company. For those that are reading this Ride Report – I have a teaser to share with you… The CSBA Eastern PA Chapter is very close to finalizing the required licenses and putting together a killer deal for our first annual fund raiser, which will be a 2016 Sport Bike for one lucky winner. This will be made available to any and all (public and CSBA members) to help raise money for our chapter and upcoming new projects we’re planning and funding. Please make sure you stay plugged in for this deal as tickets will be offered soon. The best news is the winner will enjoy a tax free prize and it will be our direction to cover the winners income tax (IRS) burden for the win, which means the winning ticket holder will walk away with a brand new free and clear prize. Yes – a true win! We’re working out the final details – so stay plugged in for our “Day at the Races” Raffle. Because of gaming rules we can’t disclose the items and ticket prizes or amounts to the general public, but members of the CSBA Forum can see the details there very soon! (Note: Ticketing information is only allowed by word of mouth and/or actual physical raffle ticket information and we are not able to republish the raffle information in public forums. (See John LaSure for actual ticketing information)

We look forward to enjoying your company at our next track day event at the end of this month which will be CSBA Day @ the Races Event scheduled for June 26th-27th at NJMP. [ https://www.facebook.com/events/1595465337366209/ ] or our next street event “Dive Into Delaware” Ride/Run. [ https://www.facebook.com/events/1411930939100610/ ] . This is one you surely won’t want to miss. For more great pictures of this event, visit the face book event page for our “Poconos Screamer” Ride here: [ https://www.facebook.com/events/938679612837713/ ] or visit us on our website at http://www.pacsba.com For additional information concerning the “Day at the Races” raffle, reach out to John LaSure or check the CSBA members forum on Facebook for additional information once it’s posted.

Blessings to you all and see you soon!


Jenn greeting…

Scripture for Pocono Screamer - June 6th, 2015

Love in Action

“Since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us…” 1 JOHN 4:11-12 NIV

Jesus said, “All men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:35 NIV) But how do we put that love into action?

Serve one another. The Lord modeled this when He washed His disciples’ feet. Be patient with one another. This is possible because of the Spirit’s presence in us. Be courteous to one another. Even if someone is difficult or disagreeable, treat them with gentleness and love. Set an example for one another “in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity” (1 Timothy 4:12 NIV). Forgive one another because God forgave you. If you do not extend forgiveness, God “will not forgive your sins” (Matthew 6:15 NIV).

We are not to judge one another. That is the Lord’s job. We may be called to rebuke or reprove in love, but we are not to judge. Be subject one to another. That will mean not always having things our way. Edify one another. We are to encourage and build up our brothers and sisters in Christ, not tear them down. Pray for one another. What a privilege to come before the Lord on another’s behalf.

Do you have a prayerful heart and compassion for others? As I mentioned in a previous message, we are called to love others as God loved us—not just when we feel like it, but always. Kindness is an extension of love, and we show His love when our kindness to others is constant and consistent. Try it on – show some love and be prepared to be loved in return!

Last modified on Friday, 12 June 2015 00:26
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