Russ Buggé Inducted as the Recon & Route Coordinator


- Russ Buggé standing on his motorcycle conducting the riders meeting prior to one of the rides -

Members and guests of the Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter of the Christian Sport Bike Association met for breakfast on Saturday July 6, 2019. At the breakfast, a motion was made by Chapter President John Lasure Jr., seconded by Chapter Vice President Chris Roddick to promote Russ Buggé, also known to many as “Rusty Bucket”, to the position of Recon & Route Coordinator for the Eastern PA Chapter of the CSBA. The motion carried and Russ has been immediately inducted into his new position.

Russ joined our chapter in 2015 while we were on one of our monthly rides. He had passed us riding in the opposite direction, but looking for a group to ride with he decided to quickly turn around to catch up to us. He joined the rear of the group and followed us to the next stop where he then introduced himself and we welcomed him. He explained that after a multi-year hiatus, he had just gotten back into riding, but he was having no success in finding a group that suited his interests. He knew he was a back-road rider with a sport bike, but he didn’t know any other like minded riders. It also turned out that he is a Christian and on that Saturday in 2015, not only did he find a group to ride with that shared his riding interests, but he also got the added bonus that we were a Christian group with a message to share, which is just what he had been looking for.

He continued to ride with us throughout the remainder of 2015 and at the beginning of the next season he expressed interest in learning our ride routes. Of course we obliged and he began to faithfully recon each monthly ride route prior to ride day to ensure that the routes were clear of detours or any other unexpected issues. In addition to that, he voluntarily began to assist us at our rides by leading a group of riders every month and in the absence of senior leadership has shown his capability to take charge by conducting the rider meetings. He places a strong emphasis on rider safety, honors our chapter qualities and values, and has demonstrated his commitment to the CSBA mission.

In the early 1990’s, he attended a couple of track days with the California Superbike School. Since getting involved with us, he has attended a few track days with other CSBA members. He also enjoys offering to help newer riders improve upon their skills and is credited with introducing new members and guests to our organization.

Please congratulate Russ Buggé on his achievement of becoming an Officer of the Eastern PA Chapter of the CSBA.

Last modified on Monday, 08 July 2019 20:55
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